Ok, obviously I cannot go back and give you reviews of everything my cinema addicted self watched between September and now but I can give you a list of which ones I highly recommend. Below I have done just that listing the films that I would give four, four and a half or five star ratings. If a film got four stars and sounds interesting, watch it. If it got four and a half and you don't hate the genre, watch it. If it got five, watch it no matter what. Films marked with an asterisk received pre-Oscar mini Twitter reviews which you can check out there @themoviefrog. Let's start with the five star films:
2010 - Incendies: French Canadian mystery, Foreign Language film nominee 83rd Oscars
In a Better World: Danish made drama, Foreign Language Film winner 83rd Oscars
2011 - The Tree of Life: VERY abstract drama, Best Picture nominee 84th Oscars *
Drive: Gory B action movie with A-list acting, script and production values *
A Separation: Iranian family drama, winner Foreign Language Film 84th Oscars *
Pina: German documentary on the famous interpretive choreographer in 3D, Doc nominee 84th *
The Descendants: Quirky family dramedy, Best Picture nominee 84th Oscars *
Rango: Wacky cartoon for kids and adults, winner Best Animated Feature 84th Oscars *
The Artist: Black and white, silent, romantic comedy, winner Best Picture 84th Oscars *
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: Cerebral Brit spy thriller, 4 Oscar nominations *
Hugo: 3D fanciful adaptation of children's novel, Best Picture nominee 84th Oscars *
Then, the four and a half star films:
2010 - Undertow: Gay themed Peruvian romantic ghost story
Carlos: Six hour biopic crime drama about terrorist Carlos the Jackal
2011 - Hannah: Action thriller with 16 year old girl as the action hero
Red State: Horror thriller about an EXTREME right wing cult. Oh, and funny.
Crazy, Stupid Love: Romantic comedy, probably the year's best
Margin Call: drama about the dawn of the recent economic crisis, Screenplay nominee, 84th Oscars *
Midnight in Paris: time hopping romantic comedy, nominated for Best Picture 84th Oscars *
Attack the Block: Indie Brit sci-fi movie with a touch of comedy
50/50: dramedy about a young man diagnosed with cancer
Moneyball: sports drama, Best Picture nominee 84th Oscars *
A Better Life: indie drama about the plight of Mexican immigrants Best Actor nominee 84th Oscars *
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore: winner, Best Animated Short 84th Oscars *
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo: dark and gritty mystery thriller Best Actress nominee 84th Oscars *
and if you really have a lot of time (or a serious film addiction), the four stars:
2010 - Of Gods and Men: French drama about monks in a foreign war zone
Love and Other Drugs: offbeat romantic comedy
Mesrine: Public Enemy: biopic about famous French bank robber
2011 - Jane Eyre: Period drama based on the classic novel. Nominated for Best Costumes *
Captain America: The First Avenger: the best of a bumper crop of super hero movies
Bridesmaids: Raunchy femal centric comedy. Nominated for writing and Supporting Actress *
The Devil's Double: dramatic thriller set in Sadam's Iraq
Warrior: MMA fighting family drama, nominated for Best Supporting Actor *
The Ides of March: Political intrigue drama nominated for Best Screenplay *
Chico and Rita: Cuban adult romance nominated for Best Animated Feature *
Hell and Back Again: War documentary about a wounded vet, Doc Feature nominee *
Albert Nobbs: Cross dressing period drama up for two acting awards *
Beginners: Gay themed family dramedy, nominated for Best Supporting Actor *
I have a few more films to watch (like Take Shelter, coming in today's mail!!!) before I feel comfortable making my best of lists for the 2011 season, but only a few, so we should have that soon. In the meantime, happy viewing.
Hangin at my pad (or on my pad?)
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